February 11, 2025

Science is the study of the natural world based on evidence. For most adults, it gave a good basis to understand our existence, how the world functions, the human body, and many other facets of the world we live in. What you may not know is that science was vital right from pre-school, and is still vital to young ones today.

It plays a critical role in children as they develop because it enables them to comprehend various scientific concepts and inquiry skills. Not just that, but it helps them develop critical skills that will come in handy as they traverse through life. Although some of these concepts are pretty basic at the preschool level, they can still learn to master them before getting to kindergarten.

Pre-School Science Concepts

As a parent or guardian, it is essential to comprehend the process skills that every student acquires to enable you to plan their activities as you plan their activities. This can help put the skills to use as well as challenge them to utilize their next skill.

The 7 most common preschool science concepts include:

  • Observing
  • Comparing
  • Classifying
  • Measuring
  • Communicating
  • Inferring
  • Predicting

Science and Math are interdependent. In the mathematics field, classifying, comparing, and measuring skills are known as math concepts. On the other hand in the science field, the skills are known as process skills. While at the preschool level they are quite elementary, these skills still form a strong foundation for the years to come.

Below is an in-depth examination of the seven preschool science concepts that your preschool kid will learn during their preschool years. Every skill is essential as it prepares the kid for the next step. Read them carefully and you will be able to comprehend what they entail. Also, check out assay development services if your business needs help with it.

6 Basic Preschool Science Concepts That Kids Learn

1. Observing: Using Their Senses

Observing is the very first step that the child uses to gather and organize information. They utilize their 5 senses while observing. Once you give them certain items, they utilize their senses to observe various attributes including colour, size, texture, sound, and so on.

2. Comparing: Looking for the Differences and Similarities

When the child gets time to explore the items, they then begin making comparisons. Differences include the colour, weight, and size of the items.

3. Classifying: Sorting and Grouping

Classifying is quite a higher level of comparison. After the pre-schoolers observe and compare, they use the information that they observed to the group and sort items. In this sense, they can separate items through observation. With that, they can manage to separate items based on their characteristics size, and colour.

4. Measuring: Determining the Quantities

Measuring is the next critical skill. Children adopt numerous ways of measuring as they spend their time with the item. For example, when the kid spends time with apples they may use a ruler to determine the smaller apple and the bigger one. Additionally, they can start to measure their weight using a balance scale.

5. Communicating: Describing the Ideas

Communicating is a common yet critical skill that preschool children develop. From the scientific perspective, it refers to how children convey and share their observations based on their findings.

Communication is done in several ways; writing, drawing, and word of mouth. Teachers can enhance communication with the children by letting them explain their observations as well as allowing them to draw pictures of their findings to enhance communication.

6. Inferring: Utilizing the Gathered and Organized Information

Children utilize the information that they obtain or know from experience and base their outcomes on newer experiences. During the inferring process, the students can determine the meaning of their previous process skills.

For instance, you may assign your students the role of taking care of the plants by watering them daily. When the school closes for a week, they will find that the plants are dry. When you ask them why they think that the plants are dry they recall that plants require soil water and sunlight to survive.

Bottom line

Basic preschool concepts are critical to every child. Always ensure that your kids adopt all the skills and they’ll get better as they grow!